New Year Blog: 2020

“Twenty twenty.” Don’t you just love the way that looks and the way it sounds when you say it out loud? To me, it conjures up thoughts of dreams finally fulfilled, new experiences, and shadow images that good things are in the future.

As a year closes, I know it is traditional to look back at all that has just passed. 2019, with the exception of losing our precious Archie, was a positive time for us personally. Politically … well, I’m not going to go there. But yes, upon doing a year-end review with my sister, we labeled 2019 a good year.

But now we have 2020. What are you hoping for this coming year with the glitzy numbers? I’m looking out the window as a frigid rainstorm is passing and the sun is peeping in and out of the last wispy clouds. It’s that time of transition between the lashing rain against the bedroom window last night and the warmth of the winter sun on my hands as I write. 

As 2019 fades, we enjoy an annual time of transition from old to new. Soon, we will hang a new calendar or scroll to a new year on our electronic devices. Here’s the beauty of that task: aside from scheduled appointments and events, our new calendar is a blank slate.

It is a time of new beginnings, accomplishing things left undone, and facing life bravely with hope, joy, and a sense of excitement. We can’t foretell the good times or the challenges of the coming year, so for today let us anticipate the new year with eager anticipation walking into the future together. 

And of course, Marcy Mary has some advice too. She says don’t forget to take the dog on those walks into the future, and if you just keep the food and water bowls filled, the dog door unlatched, and don’t wash the dog’s blanket or the dog, all will be well.

The Princess and I wish you a very happy, healthy, humorous 2020. May the adventure begin!

4 thoughts on “New Year Blog: 2020

  1. Thank you for your thoughts that are hopeful and encouraging. Yes, let’s greet the New Year with a fresh outlook! Happy, blessed New Year to you and to precious Marcy Mary! ❤️


  2. May all dogs have their dog dishes filled and may their households all have an open doggy door policy! I am enjoying your blog posts. And so glad you had a good year! I hope the same for all of you in 2020! 🙏❤️


    1. Thank you Debi, and may all cat bowls be filled with good thinks and all scratching posts be delightfully textured. Happy New Year! ♥️ Kathleen

      On Mon, Dec 30, 2019 at 12:58 PM Kathleen Chamberlin wrote:



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